Thoughts on Agile, Waterfall and so on..

In the extreme programming mailing list I read this topic that i carried over verbatim:

If I had a common flaw I see in all recent projects is that there is more focus on analysis, has passed the message that the analysis is unnecessary and can be done during construction or not do at all.

I totally agree with this thought, that is independent from the application of each methodology, whatever you want


Link utili della settimana

  1. Descrizione di Unity, il framework di Inversion of Control e Dipendency Injection sviluppato dal team di P&P (qui è presente la versione 1.2 per Silverlight)
  2. 45 passi per diventare agili
  3. xVal, libreria per la validazione client side di applicazioni ASP .NET MVC
  4. Anti XSS Library ver. 3.1
  5. CodePad .NET 1.0 Beta 2, un editor leggero per provare spezzoni di codice
  6. Strongly typed session variables in ASP .NET MVC
  7. Visual Studio 2010 e .NET Framework 4.0 Training Kit – May preview