These are some minor but nice improvements regarding numbers code readability:
Now it is possible to write digit separator of number literals:
The digit separator is the “_” character, like in Java language, isn’t it ?
int number = 1_345_782 Console.WriteLine(number); // prints 1345782
This is mostly useful for large numbers.
The separator is ignored by the compiler; it’s just used to improve the numbers readability, and it can be placed anywhere inside the number, but only inside, not at beginning or at the end for instance:
// this not compile int number = _1_345_782 int number = 1_345_782_
Strange but true, the separator can be multiple, i.e. you can place more than one separator one beside another:
// this is allowed int strangeNumber = 1_____2______3______4______5;
For decimal number, it cannot be placed right before the separator character:
// this not compile double numberDouble = 12_.34;
Same for type specifier:
// this not compile float numbewFloat = 12_f;
Finally it is available the literal for binary constant values (0b):
int binaryNumber = 0b0100_0010; Console.WriteLine(binaryNumber); // prints 66
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